Source code for matvis.wrapper

"""Simple example wrapper for basic usage of matvis."""

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
import numpy as np

from . import HAVE_GPU, conversions, cpu

    from . import gpu

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def simulate_vis( ants, fluxes, ra, dec, freqs, lsts, beams, polarized=False, precision=1, latitude=-30.7215 * np.pi / 180.0, use_feed="x", use_gpu: bool = False, beam_spline_opts: dict | None = None, beam_idx: np.ndarray | None = None, **backend_kwargs, ): """ Run a basic simulation using ``matvis``. This wrapper handles the necessary coordinate conversions etc. Parameters ---------- ants : dict Dictionary of antenna positions. The keys are the antenna names (integers) and the values are the Cartesian x,y,z positions of the antennas (in meters) relative to the array center. fluxes : array_like 2D array with the flux of each source as a function of frequency, of shape (NSRCS, NFREQS). ra, dec : array_like Arrays of source RA and Dec positions in radians. RA goes from [0, 2 pi] and Dec from [-pi, +pi]. freqs : array_like Frequency channels for the simulation, in Hz. lsts : array_like Local sidereal times for the simulation, in radians. Range is [0, 2 pi]. beams : list of ``UVBeam`` objects Beam objects to use for each antenna. pixel_beams : bool, optional If True, interpolate the beams onto a pixel grid. Otherwise, use the ``UVBeam`` interpolation method directly. beam_npix : int, optional If ``pixel_beam == True``, sets the pixel grid resolution along each dimension (corresponds to the ``n_pix_lm`` parameter of the `conversions.uvbeam_to_lm` function). polarized : bool, optional If True, use polarized beams and calculate all available linearly- polarized visibilities, e.g. V_nn, V_ne, V_en, V_ee. Default: False (only uses the 'ee' polarization). precision : int, optional Which precision setting to use for :func:`~matvis`. If set to ``1``, uses the (``np.float32``, ``np.complex64``) dtypes. If set to ``2``, uses the (``np.float64``, ``np.complex128``) dtypes. latitude : float, optional The latitude of the center of the array, in radians. The default is the HERA latitude = -30.7215 * pi / 180. beam_spline_opts : dict, optional Options to be passed to :meth:`pyuvdata.uvbeam.UVBeam.interp` as `spline_opts`. Returns ------- vis : array_like Complex array of shape (NFREQS, NTIMES, NFEED, NFEED, NANTS, NANTS) if ``polarized == True``, or (NFREQS, NTIMES, NANTS, NANTS) otherwise. """ if use_gpu: if not HAVE_GPU: raise ImportError("You cannot use GPU without installing GPU-dependencies!") from pycuda import driver device = driver.Device(0) attrs = device.get_attributes() attrs = {str(k): v for k, v in attrs.items()} string = "\n\t".join(f"{k}: {v}" for k, v in attrs.items()) logger.debug( f""" Your GPU has the following attributes: \t{string} """ ) fnc = gpu.simulate if use_gpu else cpu.simulate assert fluxes.shape == ( ra.size, freqs.size, ), "The `fluxes` array must have shape (NSRCS, NFREQS)." # Determine precision complex_dtype = np.complex64 if precision == 1 else np.complex128 # Get polarization information from beams if polarized: nfeeds = getattr(beams[0], "Nfeeds", 2) # Antenna x,y,z positions antpos = np.array([ants[k] for k in ants.keys()]) nants = antpos.shape[0] # Source coordinate transform, from equatorial to Cartesian crd_eq = conversions.point_source_crd_eq(ra, dec) # Get coordinate transforms as a function of LST eq2tops = np.array([conversions.eci_to_enu_matrix(lst, latitude) for lst in lsts]) # Create beam pixel models (if requested) beams = [ conversions.prepare_beam(beam, polarized=polarized, use_feed=use_feed) for beam in beams ] if polarized: vis = np.zeros( (freqs.size, lsts.size, nfeeds, nfeeds, nants, nants), dtype=complex_dtype ) else: vis = np.zeros((freqs.size, lsts.size, nants, nants), dtype=complex_dtype) # Loop over frequencies and call matvis_cpu/gpu for i, freq in enumerate(freqs): vis[i] = fnc( antpos=antpos, freq=freq, eq2tops=eq2tops, crd_eq=crd_eq, I_sky=fluxes[:, i], beam_list=beams, precision=precision, polarized=polarized, beam_spline_opts=beam_spline_opts, beam_idx=beam_idx, **backend_kwargs, ) return vis